On 22 April 2009 the Joint Aviation Authorities Training Organisation (JAA-TO) officially opened their regional Balkan training centre at Airport City Belgrade, Serbia.
Photo: Mr Goran Crljen ( Member JAA Executive Board and Foundation Board), Mr Joost Jonker ( Director JAA Training Organisation), Mr Nebosja Starcevic ( Director General Civil Aviation Directorate Republic of Serbia), Ms Slavjanka Petruseva ( General Manager SEETO (South East Europe Transport Observatory)), Mr André Auer (Chief Executive JAA) - Photo courtesy of Predrag Mladenovic
At this facility the JAA-TO will run training courses based upon European aviation safety regulations. The courses are open to aviation Authority and Industry personnel alike. Mr Nebosja Starcevic, Director General of the Civil Aviation Directorate of the Republic of Serbia, and Mr André Auer, Chief Executive of the Joint Aviation Authorities participated in the inauguration ceremony. Several Directors General of Civil Aviation Authorities from the Balkan region also attended the opening, as well as Ms Slavjanka Petruseva, General Manager of the South-East Europe Transport Observatory. The new facilities were blessed by Father Metodije.
The significance of the Training Centre was stressed by Mr Starcevic in his opening speech: This Training Centre is of key importance for the Civil Aviation Directorate of Serbia and of the Balkan Region. It will therefore have their full support.
Mr Auer, quoting Victor Hugo: He who opens a school door, is closing a prison, underlined the value of professional training courses especially for aviation safety.
The JAA-TO provides training courses in multiple fields of aviation safety to help improve aviation safety worldwide and promote the understanding of existing and new European aviation regulations. JAA-TO conducts scheduled training courses in Hoofddorp, London, Vienna, and Belgrade. Tailored training courses on location are available upon request.
As an associated body of ECAC, JAA-TO further participates in the Technical Assistance Program, which supports Aviation Authorities and/or organizations in their goal to enhance their aviation safety level.
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