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JEPPESEN teams with GRT Avionics to provide navigation data for light sport and experimental aircraft pilots

Light sport and experimental avionics supplier GRT Avionics, a Grand Rapids Technologies, Inc. company, and Jeppesen, a unit of Boeing Flight Services, have teamed to provide Jeppesen NavData and obstacle services for GRT Avionics electronic flight information system (EFIS) avionics units.  Jeppesen data services are now available for the Horizon HX and Sport SX systems.
Jeppesen coverage areas for GRT Avionics light sport and experimental aircraft customers now include the Contiguous USA, East-Central USA, West-Central USA, North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Eurasia, the Middle East, the Pacific region and Worldwide. 
As part of a total solution suite, Jeppesen NavData, obstacles, terrain, and charting solutions are available for third party integrations supporting a wide variety of applications and hardware solutions. Jeppesen solutions for light sport and experimental aircraft avionics systems for both certified and non-certified aircraft are available and data updates are completed easily and conveniently using Jeppesen Services Update Manager software.
Pilots worldwide rely on Jeppesen NavData information that is now available for light sport and experimental pilots who operate their aircraft using GRT EFIS avionics systems, said Scott Reagan, director, Jeppesen OEM Client Management. This aviation market represents the true innovators of the industry and we are proud to provide proven navigation and obstacle data that continues to serve as the top choice of pilots on a global scale.    
Jeppesen NavData is developed from a comprehensive aviation database, which is composed of more than one million records. To ensure accuracy, Jeppesen flight information analysts edit and verify approximately 150,000 database transactions generated from worldwide aviation data source documents during every 28-day revision cycle.  This intensive process ensures that NavData provided for systems such as GRT Avionics is the most complete and accurate flight information available. 
The Jeppesen Obstacle Database is the world's most complete database of obstacles relevant to aviation. The database contains man-made and certain natural obstacles extracted from digital and paper sources provided by governmental civil aviation authorities and military agencies worldwide.
Brian Rantala


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