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Luciad brings High Performance Situational Awareness to the Cloud.

Luciad, the market leader in high performance visualization, is pleased to announce its support for Cloud based Geospatial Situational Awareness applications and services.
Cloud computing is a rapidly emerging technology in the Defense, Security and Aviation domains, and an essential element of Geospatial Situational Awareness applications and services. Cloud computing brings many benefits in terms of flexibility, scalability and cost of maintenance which are essential in todays world.

Luciad has a complete product portfolio that enables the development of Cloud based Geospatial Situational Awareness applications and services. This offering ranges from mobile and web-browser applications to full desktop applications and Geospatial services:

  • LuciadFusion enables management of large Geospatial data sets which can be offered through the Cloud, for example through the support for standard web services from the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC).
  • LuciadLightspeed runs on a users desktop or mobile computer and can access data and services in the Cloud. LuciadLightspeed can also be used for Situational Awareness as a Service, by offering its wide range of analysis and visualization capabilities in the Cloud.
  • LuciadMobile runs on mobile devices and enables in-the-field users to instantly access data and services from the Cloud.
  • LuciadRIA, Luciads Rich Internet Application product, enables easy access to Cloud based resources for both data and computing through the web browser.

In addition, Luciad products enable the development of Sustainable Applications; Applications that are easier, and thus lower cost, to maintain, and applications that can be evolved in a cost effective manner. The benefits of Cloud computing, together with the benefits of Sustainable Applications are an essential in todays world of reduced budgets.
Lida Joly


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