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Managed-AIS Celebrate 5th Birthday

AIM software and services company Managed-AIS are celebrating their 5th birthday, 12th January 2011. The celebration marks five years since Managing Director Andrew Barrett led a management buyout of the AIS division of Mekon.  
Since the buyout, the company has achieved a number of significant milestones. Managed-AIS eAIP production software apsXML is now the worlds most widely used eAIP software, with fifty plus licenses in more than twenty five states around the world, including in the European AIS Database (EAD) project. Managed-AIS are also involved in the worlds biggest eAIP project with Navcanada. Elsewhere, the companys AIXM data management suite has been adopted by key players in European ATM modernisation and the companys training division has trained over 300 AIS personnel.
Look out for Managed-AIS at the ATC Global 2011 show in March where there will be product launches, seminars and special events to commemorate the fifth birthday.
The buyout, arranged by agreement with Mekons directors, led to the Mekon-AIS business unit becoming an independent company. In 2007, the company changed its name to its current form Managed-AIS.


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