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Matthias Ruete new chairman of the SESAR JU Administrative Board

Matthias Ruete, Director General of the European Commissions Mobility and Transport Directorate-General, was appointed new representative of the European Commission and chairman of the SESAR JUs Administrative Board on 17 March 2011.
SESAR Mr. Matthias RueteMr Ruete follows Daniel Calleja Crespo who chaired the SESAR JUs governing body since its set-up in 2007. Bo Redeborn, Principal Director ATM at Eurocontrol, remains Deputy-Chairman of the board. Matthew Baldwin, recently appointed Director of the ECs Air Transport Directorate, has been designated as Mr Ruetes alternate.
Daniel Calleja has been an outstanding chairman of the SESAR JUs Administrative Board. Keeping the programmes best interest always in mind, Mr Calleja successfully piloted the board through many important decisions. As much as we regret to see him leave, were also looking forward to working closely together with Mr Ruete in the future. I am fully confident that our cooperation will be as successful in this next, very decisive phase of the SESAR work programme, says Patrick Ky, Executive Director of the SESAR JU.
Elisabeth Schoeffmann


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