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Metron Aviation Achieves ISO Certification

Metron Aviation, a leading provider of Air Traffic Management (ATM) services and solutions, has announced that the company achieved International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 9001:2008 certification for providing advanced research, concept engineering, air traffic management, software development, environmental analysis and commercial product solutions to the global aviation industry.
"Achieving ISO certification is an important milestone for our organization and Metron Aviation's customers," said Dave Ellison, CEO. "This certification not only recognizes our quality management best practices, but also underscores our commitment to customer satisfaction." The ISO 9001:2008 standard specifies Quality Management System (QMS) requirements focused on an organization's ability to meet and improve upon customer satisfaction and quality requirements. Currently, ISO is supported by national standards from more than 150 countries. The certification assures customers of Metron Aviation's adherence to documented procedures that ensure continued and ongoing improvements in delivering global services and solutions.
Mike Gundling
Metron Aviation


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