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Moldova chose apsXML from Managed-AIS for eAIP production

Moldovan ANSP Moldatsa have chosen apsXML, the worlds most widely used eAIP software. The decision came after discussions with Managed-AIS, the UK based aeronautical information specialists behind apsXML. The apsXML tool provides the eAIP and AIP production subsystem for the European AIS Database (EAD) and is already in use by seventeen other EAD states
Moldova were amongst the first group of states to successfully publish an eAIP and will now move their production onto apsXML. Using the EAD eAIP production tool has a number of advantages for a state:
  • Fully integrated with other EAD systems
    • o Use AIXM data in eAIP
    • Publish eAIP pdf and html directly to PAMS
  • Safe database storage of eAIP working files
  • Lower entry cost for existing EAD users than standalone eAIP systems
  • Regular software updates and improvements, including a major release every eighteen months
  • Full support available for training, migration from existing systems and software supply
  • High quality support through the EAD Service Desk
  • Software quality supervised by EUROCONTROL
  • An established eAIP tool user community with annual user days to share best practice
The users of the EAD eAIP subsystem already own over fifty licenses of apsXML. Hungary, Latvia and Portugal currently use the system to publish and maintain their eAIP and a further nine clients are expecting to publish eAIPs on the system in 2010. This includes three clients who benefitted from M-AIS consultants performing the conversion from original documents to the new eAIP. The most recent of these projects was Malta, whose AIP was converted to an eAIP at the beginning of this year.


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