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NAV CANADA Announces Executive Appointments and Functional Realignments

NAV CANADA is pleased to announce today a number of executive appointments for effect on December 1, 2012.
Rudy Kellar is appointed to the position of Executive Vice President, Service Delivery, from his current position as Vice President, Operations. Reporting to Rudy will be Larry Lachance, newly appointed as Vice President, Operations (from Assistant Vice President, Operations Support), as well as Kim Troutman and Charles Lapointe, Vice Presidents of Engineering and Technical Operations respectively.

Neil Wilson becomes Executive Vice President, Administration and General Counsel (from Vice President, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary). Neil continues to be responsible for Legal Services (including his role as Corporate Secretary), as well as Contracting, Logistics & Fleet, Insurance & Risk Management and Corporate Services, with added executive responsibility for Human Resources and Labour Relations as well as Customer and Commercial Services. Richard Dixon, Vice President and Human Resources Officer and Andy Campbell, Vice President, Customer and Commercial Services, will both report to Neil.

Brian Aitken becomes Executive Vice President, Finance and Chief Financial Officer. Reporting to Brian will be Raymond Bohn, newly appointed as Vice President, Revenue and Pension Administration and John Wild, newly appointed as Treasurer.

"These appointments reflect the maturity of our company and the need to ensure that we are properly structured to meet the challenges of the future," said John Crichton, President & CEO. "They align like functions in meeting the needs of our customers and in ensuring effective support in people, corporate and financial functions at the senior level."

Crichton also added: "These appointments recognize the leadership and achievements of the NAV CANADA senior management team in helping to establish the Company as a global leader in the provision of air navigation services. I look forward to working with all members of the senior team, and indeed all NAV CANADA people, as we face the future together."

NAV CANADA is Canada's private sector civil air navigation service provider. With operations from coast to coast to coast, NAV CANADA provides air traffic control, flight information, weather briefings, aeronautical information services, airport advisory services and electronic aids to navigation.
Nav Canada
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