RA workshop calls for resolution of remaining issues

Over 60 operational, regulatory and safety experts, representing air navigation service providers, national aviation authorities, research institutes and professional associations from across Europe, the USA and Japan attended a Resolution Advisories (RA) Downlink workshop in Berlin on 27th October 2009.
The event, co-organised by EUROCONTROL and the German air navigation service provider DFS (Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH), highlighted the need to act now to apply the lessons learnt from comprehensive Airborne Collision Avoidance System (ACAS) monitoring projects.
The Airborne Collision Avoidance System issues a Resolution Advisories when a risk of collision is identified. The transmission of ACAS RA information to controllers is known as RA Downlink and is available via Mode S radar downlink and other emerging technologies. Some States have already implemented RA Downlink and others are actively considering implementation. Participants to the workshop also called, before the generalisation of the display of ACAS RA on controller working positions, for urgent resolution of remaining issues, such as procedures and controller responsibilities and possible safety implications.
While some participants had different views on implementation aspects of RA Downlink, the consensus was clear a harmonised approach is needed to avoid the proliferation of concepts, said Andreas Krebber, DFSs Head of Concepts and Future Developments.
Martin Griffin, EUROCONTROLs Head of Unit ATC Operations & Systems said This event has heard from experts from a number of States that have already implemented RA Downlink, as well as from those who plan to proceed with the implementation in the future. We have also heard from professional associations. The wide-range of expertise and backgrounds of speakers allowed the audience to gain a balanced view on the issue.
More information about the workshop and the work done by EUROCONTROL in this area can be found at: www.eurocontrol.int/safety-nets
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