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Rockwell Collins announces updates to ADS-B offerings for business aircraft

Rockwell Collins today announced planned updates for its Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) transponder offerings for business aircraft.
"As we continue to move toward the next generation of more efficient air traffic management systems, Rockwell Collins' transponder offerings will play a critical role in helping business jet operators meet future mandates," said Greg Irmen, vice president and general manager, Business and Regional Systems for Rockwell Collins. An update to the Rockwell Collins's TDR-94/94 D transponders -the TDR-94D-409 - offered primarily as a retrofit solution, is now available to comply with the new ADS-B mandate in Australia, and the pending 2009 restrictions in the Hudson Bay. The updates are available through a recently issued sales bulletin titled, "Mode S Elementary/Enhanced Surveillance and ADS-B." Today more than 15,000 aircraft are already equipped with the TDR-94/94 D transponders. The TDR-94/94D, Mode-S transponders which originally received Federal Aviation Administration and European Aviation Safety Agency approval for "ADS-B out" functionality in 2005, serve as a modem for data link, performance, navigation and Air Traffic Control information between the aircraft and a Mode S secondary surveillance radar. In addition, the TDR-94D may be used in conjunction with any compatible TCAS II system. In the forward-fit segment, Rockwell Collins offers the TSS-4100 Traffic Surveillance System. The TSS-4100 combines the TCAS, transponder, and ADS-B functions of a TDR-94D and a TCAS-4000 into a single unit, saving weight, space, and capital. A software update to the TSS-4100 will add "ADS-B In" functionality in the near future. "ADS-B out" allows properly equipped aircraft to broadcast an aircraft's position, speed, altitude, heading in the air as well as on the ground which enables ATC stations to have a better radar picture. The future application of "ADS-B in" will allow aircraft to receive the ADS-B out signal as well and provide the individual pilot's better situational awareness. Rockwell Collins (NYSE: COL) is a pioneer in the development and deployment of innovative communication and aviation electronic solutions for both commercial and government applications. Our expertise in flight deck avionics, cabin electronics, mission communications and information management, and simulation and training is strengthened by 20,000 employees, and a global service and support network that crosses 27 countries.
Rockwell Collins Newsroom
Rockwell Collins


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