Rohde & Schwarz to demonstrate secure ATC communications solutions in Beijing

At ATC Global 2014, Rohde & Schwarz will showcase its R&S VCS-4G IP based voice communications system. It serves as the core component for establishing virtual control centers, ensuring flexible and failsafe air traffic control (ATC). Another highlight to be presented by the expert in secure ATC communications will be an innovative feature allowing the detection of simultaneous transmissions in stationary VHF/UHF radios.
With its R&S VCS-4G voice communications system (VCS), Rohde & Schwarz is the first supplier on the market to enable the establishment of virtual control centers. The fully IP-based system features a distributed and redundant architecture. It meets the requirements of the
international EUROCAE ED 137B standard and recently successfully completed the certification process for the Chinese market.
Aviation authorities in Europe have already decided in favor of the R&S VCS-4G. The aviation authorities responsible for the North Atlantic flight corridor (Iceland - ISAVIA and Ireland - IAA) awarded Rohde & Schwarz an exclusive contract for the delivery of advanced R&S VCS-4G IP based voice communications systems. This will create the world's first virtual control center operating across national borders. Each site will be equipped with a VCS of its own, enabling it to be operated independently or as part of a system, thus allowing dynamic load and resource sharing. In addition to classic voice communications, the VCS integrates a wide variety of data
applications. For example, video pictures of out-of-view airport areas, weather data or alarm functions can be displayed directly on the air traffic controller's console. This additional information helps controllers to make an overall assessment of the situation and quickly respond to critical changes.
Moreover, Rohde & Schwarz offers a solution to the problem of undetected simultaneous transmissions. The new DSiT (Detection of Simultaneous Transmissions) function provides for increased safety in an increasingly busy airspace. It alerts air traffic controllers to multiple, simultaneous radio transmissions. The R&S Series4200 VHF/UHF radios employ digital signal
processing to ensure that even the weaker signals are captured and that no safety critical information is lost. The radios detect signals that simultaneously arrive at the same frequency and signal this condition to ATC controllers optically and acoustically. Rohde & Schwarz is the first supplier to market a DSiT functionality for air traffic control applications.
The Rohde & Schwarz RCMS II remote control and monitoring system provides users with an overview of the status of the different system components at all times so that they can intervene when necessary. A new feature is the inclusion of additional components via standard network management protocol (SNMP). With complete solutions from the air traffic controller's microphone to the antenna at the radio site, Rohde & Schwarz now supports the entire
ATC communications chain.
Rohde & Schwarz will present its tried and tested as well as innovative solutions for the future of ATC at ATC Global 2014 in Beijing. You can visit us from September 17 to 19, 2014 at the China National Convention Center (CNCC), booth A728. More information:
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