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SELEX Sistemi Integrati presents the first results of SWIM SUIT project.

Today SELEX Sistemi Integrati, a Finmeccanica company, presented the first results of SWIM-SUIT System Wide Information Management Supported by Innovative Technologies), a European research and development project in the air traffic control field.
SWIM SUIT main achievement will be the creation of a system to manage a global network and share data among all the main air traffic management operators within the European space. The principal stakeholders of this projects are national service providers, airlines, airports, meteorological centres. The project will allow them to overcome their present barriers by the creation of all necessary infrastructures to integrate all kind of information. After a two year study, today during the SWIM-SUIT User Forum, held in Rome, a prototype was shown. The sample demonstrates how to integrate several functions already in use among the several air traffic operators and will permit testing innovative solutions. The prototype, even if in a simpler suite, represents an example of the future SWIM net and a patter of cooperation among the several ATM actors. The trial model, which will also be tested with air traffic management American systems, will allow to directly verify interoperability between European and American systems. SWIM-SUIT, which has a value of 12 million Euros, can rely on a contribution of about 50% from the European Commission Directorate- General for Energy and Transport. The project is managed by a consortium driven by SELEX Sistemi Integrati, and includes several partners such as industries, airways, national service providers and research centres all over Europe, besides the Chinese national service provider. SWIM-SUIT is a 36 month long study, born within the VI Framework programme of the European Union, and represents one of the SESAR programme technological pillars for the realisation of a common information network to manage information, as requested by the Single European Sky.
ATC Network
SELEX Sistemi Integrati


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