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SELEX Sistemi Integrati signed a contract in Thailand with the Royal Thai Navy for an air traffic control system

SELEX Sistemi Integrati, a Finmeccanica company, has been awarded a 4,5 million Euro contract by the Royal Thai Navy RTN for the supply of an air traffic control system.
The supply consists of an ATCR33 solid state primary radar, a SIR-S, S mode secondary radar, a control centre equipped with five controller working positions for radar and flight data processing (RDP -Radar Data Processing and FDP - Flight Data Processing), a control tower with a controller working position. The contract also includes civil works: a tower and a building for radar equipments. The system, which will be operative in September 2009, will be installed within the airport of the naval base of the Royal Thai Navy of Utapao and will be used for both civil and military air traffic control. It will also be used for the Thailands royal familys internal flights. This is the very first contract SELEX Sistemi Integrati signs with RTN for the delivery of an air traffic control system, usually sold to Aerothai, Thailands air service provider. In fact, starting form 1970, the whole approach and en-route air traffic control infrastructure in Thailand has been realised by the Finmeccanica company, which has supplied its systems to all the airports in the Country. Besides, recently the Royal Thai Navy has expressed its interest in SELEX Sistemi Integratis equipments for an upgrade on two Frigates.
Press Office
Selex Sistemi Integrati


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