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SELEX Sistemi Integrati signs a logistic support contract in China

In view of the next Olympic Games, SELEX Sistemi Integrati, a Finmeccanica company, signed a contract worth 1.5 Million Euros, with the Air Traffic Management Bureau Civil Aviation Administration of China (ATMB-CAAC) in Beijing for the supply of logistic support for civil air traffic control systems.
SELEX Sistemi Integrati will hand over spare parts for most of the systems the company delivered in the years and which cover a big part of the Chinese territory. The supply also includes training courses, inspections in several sites and technical support during the Olympic Games. The agreement subscribed by SELEX Sistemi Integrati in China, the very first one in logistic support activities, follows several other contracts for ATC/ATM sensors and systems signed in the past and confirms the trust the company has gained and maintained in the Country. In fact, in the last twenty years the company has supplied and installed 34 complete radar sites in China, essentially based on ATCR33-K, SIR-M, SIR-S, ATCR44-K systems.
Press Office


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