ICEA Simulators Upgraded by SITTI

Within the Brazilian national air force (FAB – Forza Aerea Brasileira), I C E A (Instituto de Controle do Espaço Aéreo) is the reference organization aimed at training human resources and conducting researches for the Brazilian Airspace Control System. Among the many activities carried out by ICEA, an important role is played by the provision of training to air traffic controllers that will be in charge of the correct and safe management of the steady increasing flow of aircrafts in the Brazilian skies.
ICEA is based in São José dos Campos and is already equipped with a SITTI Voice Communication System (VCS) simulator. This later is now going to be upgraded to include all training facilities to comply with the latest requirements set by the increasing usage of the IP technology in the Air Traffic Control (ATC) field. More specifically, instructors in São José dos Campos will be remotely connected to any compatible existing SITTI VCS in Brazil, therefore resulting in a much more cost effective training and reduced logistic requirements.
The upgrade process involves the VCS simulators at the LAB-SIM (Laboratorios de Simulação) and EOM (Escola de Operaçōes Militares) Audio Centers. In total, about 120 digital telephone connections will be managed by SITTI systems to allow a fruitful training at ICEA, where almost 180 controller working positions will be connected together; it is noteworthy to mention that about half of the positions are traditional ones installed into consoles, another the other half (95) is of the “stand-alone” type, i.e. they can be placed on any surface (desk).
SITTI is a primary VCS manufacturer and supplier worldwide, capable of giving prompt and top edge solutions to Customer needs, both in the Civilian and Military fields. The leading edge, redundant, non-blocking architecture of the MULTIFONO® M800IP® provides flexibility and modularity for easy expansion and addition of further functionalities.
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