Military ATC Linate reinforcement by SITTI

Since long time, the Italian Air Force (Aeronautica Militare – AM) has been having military Air Traffic Controllers at Linate SCC/AM (Servizi di Coordinamento e Controllo), in collaboration with the co-located civil Air Traffic Control administration. In the frame of the reinforcement of the air space control, a new modern Voice Communication System is required to cope with the increasing and demanding needs of the air space supervision of Northern Italy.
SITTI is going to provide AMI with Main and Stand-by MULTIFONO® M800IP® systems that will allow the local Italian Air Force staff to get advantage of the top-edge characteristics of Voice over IP (VoIP) in the field of Air Traffic Management, according to the well-known world standard ED 137, which SITTI contributed to develop. The communication system is equipped with analogue and digital interfaces towards local and remote radios, as well as with VoIP native connections.
Additionally, new consoles for controllers are being supplied by SITTI. These consoles are equipped with a horizontal roll bar to install map and radar screens and other displays above the controller seat, thus being the ideal solution for ATC Approach and Area Control Centres. Special attention has been paid to allow easy installation and on-going operational maintenance access without affecting Controller operations.
The installation also includes 12 controller working positions with instant messaging features, a voice recording system, connection to the existing ENAV (the Italian Air Navigation Service Provider) civil voice communication system, frequency monitoring applications, supervision and maintenance software.
Factory Acceptance Test is expected to take place within Q3/2019, while the main Voice Communication System with its consoles and positions will be installed on site by Q1/2020. The stand-by M800IP system will be put in service some time later, mid 2021.
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