SITTI to expand AFIS services in Brazil

The Brazilian air space is subdivided into 4 areas, each of which managed by a dedicated Air Control Center (ACC), named CINDACTA, acronym for “Centro Integrado de Defesa Aérea e Controle de Tráfego Aéreo” (Integrated Air Traffic Control and Air Defense Center). With the objective of expanding and enhancing the remote AFIS applications provided by these centers, a significant number of stations will be provided with “MultiFunctional Terminals” developed by SITTI.
MultiFunctional Terminals allow operators to have simultaneous access to integrated communications to and from SITTI VCS (Voice Communication System) and any other third-party application. External applications that can be integrated are of any kind. In the case of the Brazilian remote AFIS service, the following ones have been selected, although further future expansion is possible: Audio Center, Electronic Strips, Meteo and Cameras. The installed applications run in parallel and present their information on a single monitor, thus reducing the amount of unnecessary hardware on the operator’s desk, therefore enhancing his situational awareness and working comfort.
Multifunctional Terminals, based on the MT800 Platform developed by SITTI, will be delivered to the following stations:
- CINDACTA 1: Barbacena
- CINDACTA 2: Corumbá
- CINDACTA 2: Uruguaiana
- CINDACTA 3: Fernando de Noronha
- CINDACTA 4: Oiapoque
- CINDACTA 4: Vilhena
- CINDACTA 4: São José da Cacheira
- CINDACTA 4: Tiriós
- CINDACTA 4: Guajará-mirim
- CINDACTA 4: Tabatinga
The wide experience acquired by SITTI in the Air Traffic Control field is put at the Customer disposal not only through unparalleled Voice Communication Systems (capable of interfacing any kind of analogue/digital/VoIP radio and telephone link), but also by offering integrated solution that can greatly enhance the way tasks are carried out by controllers. The MT800 platform used for the MultiFunctional Terminals subject of this supply is another step forward in understanding and capturing customer needs and in providing modern and highly integrated solutions.
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