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SkySoft-ATM has delivered the VRAP recording project to DFS in record times!

Following an international tender process SkySoft-ATM has been mandated by DFS, the German Air Navigation Service Provider, to supply a video and audio recording system to be implemented in the Karlsruhe UAC, integrated in the new P1/VAFORIT system. This project has been delivered in just 7 months after contract signature.
This project is confirming the expertise of SkySoft-ATM in recording system and our capacity to deliver State of the Art solutions to the full satisfaction of our customers says Pierre-Henri Guisan, the Managing Director of SkySoft-ATM. This project is very ambitious for more than 100 controller and flight data assistant positions totaling over 500 screens and their respective 275 voice channels, more than 300 serial line informations such as keyboards and mice events will be recorded as well on permanent basis for a period of 30 days. This is probably the first time such a large scale project is carried out worldwide in the Air Traffic Control environment. Our main challenge was to deliver without disrupting at all DFS operations and in time to allow DFS to start their training program for the new VAFORIT system says Didier Berling the Deputy Managing Director of SkySoft-ATM. What we liked most is the flexibility of the delivered solution to set up central or local recording units with individual interfaces and the SkySoft-ATM memory saving recording algorithm, which allows us to double the recording capacity up to 60 days without changing the hard-disks says Oliver Kischlat, DFS Project Manager. The use of VRAP gives the DFS a new feature in the Karlsruhe Simulation and Training Environment. The controller working positions can now be used as individual or synchronized playback positions of the recorded screens, voice channels and serial line informations to improve the controller and flight data assistant training.
Claude Levacher
Skysoft ATM


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