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StarCaster ATIS Installed at the Entebbe International Airport

- Victoria, BC, Canada

STR-SpeechTech has partnered with Peja East Africa BV to provide a StarCaster® ATIS System to the Uganda Civil Aviation Authority. STR installed and tested the system at the Entebbe International Airport and provided StarCaster training for 30 air traffic controllers and technicians.

ATIS (Automated Terminal Information Service) broadcasts inform pilots of non-control information including runways in use, runway conditions, notices to airmen and weather information. 

"ATC personnel at the Entebbe International Airport will no longer need to repeatedly speak ATIS information to the pilot,” said Craig Dickson (President and CEO of STR-SpeechTech Ltd). “Pilots are now able to tune in to the ATIS broadcast prior to contacting the tower and receive the terminal information in a clear and natural voice."

The supplied StarCaster ATIS System consists of two redundant servers, two maintenance workstations, an operator workstation, one supervisor workstation and two monitoring workstations. The system interfaces with an existing AWOS weather data source, which provides current weather data for inclusion in the ATIS messages. The ATIS messages are then broadcast over a dedicated VHF radio frequency. The supply and installation of VHF radio transmitters and antenna was completed by Peja East Africa BV.

To ensure that ATIS messages continue to broadcast in the event of a power failure, the StarCaster ATIS System was connected to backup batteries controlled by a UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply), provided by Peja East Africa BV.

Katy Earl


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