IFATCA has pleasure in introducing the STOPBARS SURVEY REPORT, compiled by our Human Factors expert and based upon research conducted by our Global Airport
Domain Team (GADT).
Runway Safety, and in particular the prevention of runway incursions, is an important focus of the international aviation community, including airport authorities, Air Navigation Service Providers, the International Pilots Federation (IFALPA) and the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO). One important element in the prevention of runway incursions is the use of stopbars at runway entry points.
As an IFATCA initiative, an international survey was conducted about how stopbars are used in different countries. This report, compiled by our Human Factors Specialist, Mr Bert Ruitenberg, who is an internationally recognised expert in the field of Human Factors in Aviation, makes a significant contribution to this critical safety area.
IFATCA President and CEO, Marc Baumgartner said This report assesses how stopbars are currently used, and importantly, how their use and effectiveness could be significantly increased to further improve runway safety. This report should encourage informed discussion and consideration about improvements to aerodrome safety and the prevention of runway incursions.
For further information about this matter, please contact us at office@ifatca.org.
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