Strong Interest of African States in FREQUENTIS and ATNS Joint AIS/AIM Hub Services during the World’s First CANSO Africa Conference
- Vienna, Austria

The event, centred on the theme "Transforming ATM Performance", examined regional issues, discussed ideas and best practices while focussing on CANSO’s Vision 2020.
After two days of interesting presentations, exciting debates and productive workshops between aviation stakeholders, the Civil Air Navigation Services Organisation (CANSO), concluded its 1st Africa Conference in Abuja, Nigeria (October 7-9).
At this conference, Frequentis and Air Traffic and Navigation Services (ATNS) SOC South Africa announced a system-wide information management concept known as the Centralised Aeronautical Database, which is a single repository for all aeronautical information for the population of the ATM Systems. African States will be able to link up to the database and make use of its benefits, which will be in the static information domain. This system will allow for a free-flowing, transparent and open usage of aeronautical information. Innovative AIS and AIM functionalities will be used as cost-effective services. The AIS/AIM hub will be accessed through a special software.
Frequentis is providing technical input with ATNS using specialist resources in line with the ICAO recommendations. In a shared speech, Ms Thandi Mosupye, senior manager of marketing and communications of ATNS, and Mr Joachim Lennarz, director AIM of Frequentis, reaffirmed the commitment of the two organisations to the attainment of Safer African Skies. This milestone is a benefit of the user community within the continent. Mr Thabani Mthiyane, CEO of ATNS, highlighted the importance of shared infrastructure and services between ANSPs which is in line with CANSO recommendations: “ATNS is proud to contribute together with its partner Frequentis to the important initiative of seamless African skies and invites African states to take advantage of the AIS/AIM services made available already today by the ATNS African AIS/AIM hub”.
Future expanded services will include dynamic solutions such as in NOTAM and Flight Planning for the region, hosted by the CAD.
ATNS will have a presence and rally support for this venture, at the forthcoming AFI Planning and Implementation Regional Group (APIRG), to be held in Dakar, Senegal on 28th – 31st October 2013.
Over 120 Air Traffic Management leaders engaged in the conference with the key topics such as Safety, Operations & Policy and the core value Partnerships were discussed.
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