Successful Site Acceptance Test for FREQUENTIS AMHS and OPMET systems at Finavia

Finavia is the organization in Finland responsible for the management of 25 airports maintaining the airport networks as well as the navigation systems.
Finavia has been operating the Frequentis AFTN/CIDIN Message Switch and OPMET systems since 1999. The new systems, installed at Helsinki-Vantaa International Airport, include Frequentis MessageServer and OPMET system.
MessageServer is configured to support the AFTN, CIDIN and AMHS (X.400) message formats in full compliance with the ICAO AMHS Euro Manual and Eurocontrol AMHS Specifications.
The OPMET system is configured to receive data from SADIS 2G and produces Wind and Temperature and Significant Weather charts from GRIB and BUFR data. The system also produces WMO formatted bulletins and responses to Winds Aloft queries.
The systems were implemented in full compliance with the EC safety and interoperability regulations. Prior to the installation in Finland, MessageServer had successfully passed AMHS conformance and interoperability tests. The interoperability tests were conducted with the DFS AMHS system installed in Langen, Germany. The results of the tests were published during the AFSG/12 meeting.
The systems went through rigorous testing in presence of the Finavia staff and we are pleased that with this successful implementation the relationship between Finavia and Frequentis will continue for many years to come said Risto Jarvi, Project Manager at Finavia.
Frequentis, headquartered in Vienna, Austria, is an international supplier of communications and information systems in the fields of air traffic management and public safety & transport. Frequentis is the global market leader for communication systems and after the successful acquisition of Global Weather Dynamics, Inc. in March 2010 is also a global leader in the aeronautical information systems market.
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