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Total Airport Management towards optimising integrated airport operations

During the ATC Global 2010 visitors can meet AT-One to discuss the concept of Total Airport Management and solutions for Air Traffic Management.
apocAPOC LIGHT AT-One uses for its research a wide range of tools and simulators. At the exhibition the following facilities are present and will be demonstrated continuously: Airport Operations Center (APOC) is the key fundamental element of the collaborative decision making process described in the Total Airport Management Concept. The APOC light is a subset of working positions and the common information sharing platform, which is usually incorporated in the Airport Operations Center. The APOC light on display contains the following positions: APOC Stakeholder Working Positions (SWP) APOC Arbitrator Working Position (AWP)
narsimNARSIM NARSIM is AT-Ones real-time simulator for advanced research and development. NARSIM-Tower is used for interactive human-in-the-loop assessments of operational feasibility and performance on airport control towers. Other applications shown in the minitower on display are: Runway Allocation Advice System (RAAS) 3DFlight for near real-time visualisation of aircraft operations and environmental impacts via the Internet
What happens at the booth? Tue 11.00 and 14.00 hour Presentation Total Airport Management - that's how it works Wed 11.00 and 14.00 hour Presentation Total Airport Management - that's how it works Wed 15.30 hour HAPPY HOUR with AT-One Thur 12.00 hour Presentation Total Airport Management - that's how it works
Kurt Klein


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