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Towards the Euro Mediterranean common aviation area

The Aviation Working Group (AWG) of the Euro-Mediterranean Transport Forum, acting also as the Advisory Group of the Euromed Aviation Project, has adopted a Declaration Towards the Euro Mediterranean Common Aviation Area" - during its meeting on the 24th of November 2009 in Brussels.
The Declaration, available on, states that the AWG:
  • Agrees with the Road Map for the Implementation of the Euro-Mediterranean Common Aviation Area (EMCAA), which has been elaborated by the Euromed Aviation Project in cooperation with the beneficiary Mediterranean Partners, the European Commission and International Organisations: ACAC, EASA, ECAC & ICAO
  • Proposes a political endorsement of the Declaration at the occasion of the Euro-Mediterranean Transport Ministerial Conference to be held mid 2010
  • Considers essential that the implementation of the Road Map starts as soon as possible, and will coordinate and ensure a follow up
  • The creation of the EMCAA is based on a process of regulatory convergence which will allow the improvement of air transport services, aviation safety, security & environment and the harmonisation/modernisation of air traffic control in accordance with the Regional Transport Action Plan (RTAP) for the Mediterranean 2007-2013. The liberalisation of air transport, aiming at establishing a common air market in the Mediterranean region should allow important economic gains and cheaper air travel fares beneficial to employment and investment in the aviation sector. The achievement of the EMCAA objectives will have an impact beyond air transport, enhancing cultural, business, people to people exchanges between both shores of the Mediterranean.
    Olivier Turcas
    Euromed Aviation Project


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