Training on EGNOS-GNSS in Africa (TREGA)
- Trieste, Italy

International Centre for Theoretical Physics has issued a call for ten trainees to participate in the TREGA Project (Training on EGNOS-GNSS in Africa)Introducing TREGA
Safe and cost-effective air navigation is a key concern for Africa’s aviation sector
and there is much to be done in order to meet international requirements. One
such requirement is to implement Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) for
improved communication, navigation and surveillance performance.
In Europe, the implementation of GNSS has been supported by the European
Commission (EC), which funded the development of the European Geostationary
Navigation Overlay Service (EGNOS), the first pan-European satellite navigation
system. To assist Africa’s aviation sector, the EC is working towards the extension
of EGNOS to Africa, and is joining forces with the Abdus Salam International
Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) to ensure that African experts have the proper training to implement these advanced systems.
In the framework of a cooperation agreement between the EC and ICTP, the Training EGNOS GNSS in Africa (TREGA) project aims to support the implementation of GNSS/EGNOS in Sub-Saharan Africa by:
• providing training on space project management, GNSS and EGNOS technology, SBAS (Satellite-Based Augmentation System) service provision and user support, and applied legal and regulatory aspects to members of the EGNOS-Africa Joint Programme Office (JPO);
• selecting, procuring and using a testing platform and software simulator as a preliminary backbone infrastructure for the implementation of SBAS services in Sub-Saharan Africa;
• training a core number of African professionals to be able to address technical problems related to the conditions of Sub-Saharan Africa, making use of the testing platform/software simulator.
A separate sister project, Satellite navigation services for AFrIcan Region (SAFIR),
covers the creation and staffing of the JPO. Both projects interact closely for the
benefit of the overall operation. The director of the TREGA project is Professor
Sandro Radicella, head of the ICTP Telecommunications/ICT for Development
TREGA Training Sessions Start July 2013
As part of the TREGA project, ICTP will be holding two training sessions:
• “Space Projects Management” and “Legal Regulatory Aspects”, from 15 July to 4 August 2013;
• “GNSS Systems and Applications” and “Service Provision, User Support and Promotion of EGNOS Use in Africa”, from 28 October to 15 December.
Brief descriptions of the training modules are below.
In addition to the members of the JPO, attendance is open to a small number of
participants from African or European countries. As the Workshop will be conducted in English, participants should have an adequate working knowledge of that language. Travel and subsistence expenses of the participants should be borne by the home institution. Registration is free-of-charge for all attendees.
Qualifications and Experience
• Educational background: An advanced-level university degree in an aviation-related field, or in other scientific or technical disciplines;
• Professional experience and knowledge: A minimum of 5 years of professional experience in the field of safety and certification preferably dealing with aviation matters; a good knowledge of GNSS regulations in aviation and/or other applications.
How to Apply
The application form can be accessed at the website:
Deadline for requesting participation: 15 June 2013
TREGA Secretariat
c/o Ms. Rossana Torre
The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics
Strada Costiera 11, 34151 Trieste, Italy
Phone: +39 040 2240531, Fax: +39 040 2240585,
ICTP Home page:
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