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Ubitech Achieves AMHS Acceptance Testing in Moldova Strengthening its Presence in Europe

Ubitech is pleased to announce that its Ubimex ATS Message Handling System [AMHS] has passed the Site Acceptance Test (SAT) in Moldova. The Moldavian Air Traffic Services Authority [MOLDATSA] accepted the Ubimex AMHS after Ubitech demonstrated during SAT that the system met all contract requirements.
MoldATSAs acceptance of the Ubimex AMHS system is a tremendous accomplishment for Ubitech as it marks Ubitechs first AMHS deployment in Europe. MoldATSA can now enjoy the benefits of country-wide AMHS while still being able to communicate with neighboring countries over AFTN. Ubitech looks forward to working closely with MoldATSA in hopes to carryout future AMHS Interoperability testing with other neighboring countries. The goal of the interoperability testing would be to expand MoldATSAs AMHS messaging capability to both domestic and international.


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