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UFA ATCCOACH embedded simulator deployed with STARS-LITE for the FAA

UFA, INC. ATCoach Terminal Edition Simulator, embedded with the STARS-LITE System, was recently deployed by Raytheon [NYSE: RTN] to Davison Army Airfield (AAF) at Fort Belvoir, VA under the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Standard Terminal Automation Replacement System (STARS) Program.
STARS-LITE (Local Integrated Terminal Equipment) incorporates ATCoach to support System Certification that must be performed prior to returning STARS-LITE to operational use. The STARS Program is a joint FAA and Department of Defense (DOD) program to replace capacity-constrained, older technology systems at FAA and DOD terminal radar approach control facilities and associated towers. The STARS-LITE system utilizes the STARS hardware and software as its foundation. ATCoach is the Embedded Test and Training Simulator for STARS. The STARS LITE System is designed for use at General Aviation airport control towers that have pattern altitude radar coverage from one or more off-airport radar sites associated with TRACON or ARTCC facilities. The system provides full digital radar target and history data, aircraft data blocks, weather, and map display presentation. STARS-LITE Systems with ATCoach are also deployed at Laredo International Airport, TX; Fort Indiantown Gap, PA; Redstone Arsenal, AL; STARS DOD and Gulf Coast Operational Support Facilities; FAA WJ Hughes Technical Center, NJ; Fort Wainwright, Fort Richardson, and Fort Greeley, AK; Gallatin Field Airport, MT; Butts AAF, CO; Bradshaw AAF and Wheeler AAF, HI; Lawson AAF, GA; and Stratford Control and Stratford Tower, CT. UFA also supplies embedded ATCoach simulation technology for the FAA User Request Evaluation Tool (URET) and En Route Automation Modernization (ERAM) programs. ATCoach has been integrated with other key FAA systems such as Host/DSR and is used by participants of the FAA Collegiate Training Initiative program and providers of air navigation services worldwide.
Anja Bellmann
UFA Inc.


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