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UFA ATCOACH ATC Simulator supports joint controller pilot training

The article Fake Smoke, Real Stress, published in the Lufthansa magazine Lufthanseat and the DFS Direct publication, describes how air traffic controllers and pilots are using combined simulation to improve their skills in an emergency situation they hope to never encounter in the real world. In this training environment, DFS controllers operate at the DFS NewSim radar simulator and Lufthansa pilots at their full flight simulators, allowing a realistic, high-fidelity re-creation of an integrated and interactive air traffic and cockpit environment.
A core component of the DFS NewSim Simulator is UFAs ATCoach Global Edition Radar Simulator. ATCoach receives data from the full flight simulators and integrates it with additional traffic simulated by ATCoach to provide the controllers with an airspace consisting of day-to-day traffic and that of the emergency flight under control of the Lufthansa pilots. In this way, DFS controllers must continue to control and communicate with the simulated non-emergency traffic and deal with the pilot of the emergency flight. Likewise, the pilot must deal with the cockpit emergency while communicating to the controller in a typically busy airspace.
Anja Bellmann
UFA Inc.


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