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US Army - Fort Riley utilizing UFA ATTOWER Tower Simulator

UFA, INC. announced today that the company has completed installation and user training for UFAs ATTower Tower simulator for the first (1) Combat Aviation Brigade (CAB) at Fort Riley's Marshall Army Airfield (AAF).
This installation is the seventeenth (17) ATTower Tower Simulation System employed in support of the US Army and Army National Guard (ARNG) with full ATVoice Voice Recognition and Response capability. US Army installations include Illesheim, Germany and Fort Drum, New York. The National Guard Bureau (NGB) currently has fourteen (14) ATTower Desktop Tower Training Systems (DTTS) located at ARNG sites around the country. The system integrates state of the art ATView 3D Graphics with simulated weather information, integrated radar displays, ATRadio ETVS simulated VCS and various other simulated tower systems to provide high fidelity training capability. UFAs ATVoice Voice Recognition and Pilot Response system is used to automate the execution of Controller clearances and generate the appropriate pilot responses.

UFA continues a long relationship with the personnel of Fort Riley and the US Military. Marshall AAF has previously acquired UFAs ATCoach Precision Approach Radar Simulator. The ATCoach Radar Simulator emulates the US Armys AN/TPN-18 and AN/TPN-31 (ATNAVICS) Radar Set and Controller positions. The ATCoach Precision Approach Radar (PAR) simulator includes an Airport Surveillance Radar (ASR) Approach Controller position, an ASR/PAR Final Controller position, each with integrated ATVoice, and an Instructor position.

Headquartered in Woburn, MA, UFA is a privately held software engineering firm specializing in Air Traffic Management (ATM) simulation products. UFAs product line is in use around the world and includes ATTower, ATCoach, ATView, ATRadio, ATVoice, and ATSpeak. UFA maintains additional offices in Gaithersburg, MD. The companys wholly owned subsidiary, ATCSim GmbH, is located in Mainz and Kaufbeuren, Germany.


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