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Xsight Systems Announces US First Operational Automated FOD Detection System at Boston Logan International Airport

- Boston, USA

Xsight Systems, a developer and provider of advanced runway sensor solutions, announced today the launch of its state-of-the-art, automated foreign object debris (FOD) detection system called FODetect at Boston Logan International Airport. Logan airport is the first in the U.S. to use an automated FOD detection system.

This project is the result of a competitive RFP process and years of work with the FAA and Massport. FODetect is installed on runway 09-27, the busiest departure runway at the airport, and is now in full operational use.

FOD refers to any misplaced object found on airport surfaces that can damage aircraft, engines, tires or fuselage.  FOD presents a risk to passenger safety, disrupts airport services, and leads to expensive repairs totaling in billions of dollars for airports and airlines each year.

“Objects ranging such as dislodged airplane pieces are now being safely detected and removed, protecting planes and passengers,” said Alon Nitzan, President and CEO of Xsight Systems. “Airport operators now have the ability to detect and remove objects as they appear on runway surfaces in between flights – a huge advantage which can save airlines millions of dollars in potential damage to planes, and enhance safety by adding a new layer of protection for passengers.”

The FODetect system is an effective supplement to the manual FOD inspections airport personnel are required to perform.
FODetect improves the daily operation of airport runways by increasing safety and efficiency. Its superb detection capabilities are derived from a unique hybrid optical-radar remote-sensing technology and strategic positioning of its sensors alongside the runway, collocated with the runway edge lights. Besides greatly reducing the risks associated with FOD, airports using FODetect benefit from a full video coverage of the runway.  FODetect is fully compliant with FAA/FCC regulations for FOD Detection Equipment.

"FODetect is a paradigm change to how runway surfaces are managed," added Nitzan. "A few days after deployment, the system had already proved its capabilities by detecting FOD, which was quickly retrieved."

ATC Network


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