SCAA - Seychelles
Association information
An Indian Ocean Gateway above and beyond Africa
Initiating and implementing government policies and objectives within the mandate of the business
Regulating and promoting the development of regular, safe and economic air transport to, from and within the Seychelles
Developing Seychelles airports by providing the infrastructure, services and customer experience to be a competitive crossroad for international trade and tourism
Ensuring that people are developed and utilised to the maximum of their potential
Being environmentally responsible in our practices and operation
Producing a fair return on investment for all stakeholders
Value Statement
We put the interest of Seychelles and its people first
We protect our environment and heritage
We operate a safe and healthy working environment
The customer is the reason for our existence
Absolute integrity in dealing with everyone
We are transparent in everything we do
We treat everyone fairly and equally
People are our greatest asset to the extent that:
- We value diversity
- We respect the integrity of people
- We fully develop and utilise the abilities of people
- We provide equal opportunity for everyone
- We encourage resourcefulness and innovation
Press releases
Seychelles Civil Aviation Authority (SCAA) publish tender for Flight Calibration Services
administrator ATC Network