
Visiting address
Scorpius 114, Southpoint Building B
- 2132 LR
Postal address
PO Box: 3083
Scorpius 90
Hoofddorp , - 2132 LR
Tel +31 (0) 88 668 3000
Fax +31 (0) 23 557 1069
Company information
MovingDot is a consultancy firm which assists in all aspects of Air Traffic Management affairs. Founded in 2010 with now a team of 10 analysts/experts supported by some 10 former air traffic controllers. We have our background firmly grounded in the operational, technological and senior management side of air traffic control.
The core expertise of MovingDot focuses on connecting the worlds of policy making and that of operational reality. Two worlds that are intricately connected and in many cases heavily interrelated, but each has its own set of definitions and interpretation. Our people will effortlessly operate between these worlds, providing a pragmatic approach and realistic solutions.
MovingDot is specialized in air traffic control operations, airspace management and design of ATM procedures. The corresponding business and change processes are thoroughly understood, not only from a technical point of view, but also from an organisational point of view. This enables MovingDot to support implementation of new processes and procedures in ATM-related organisations on a strategic, tactical and operational level.
Customers of MovingDot are internationally operating organisations. Some examples: ATC The Netherlands (LVNL), Deutsche Flugsicherung (DFS), skyguide of Switzerland, the FABEC Project office, Administration de Navigation Aeriénne (ANA), Dutch Caribbean ANSP (DC-ANSP), Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment (NL), Schiphol airport and Lelystad airport.
MovingDot is associate member of CANSO.
Company information
- 2132 LR
The Netherlands
- Air Navigation Service Provider
- Airspace Design
- ATC Tower Design/Construction
- Civil Aviation Authority
- Consulting
- Organisation
- Regulation (Governmental)
- Research and Development
- Safety Systems / Risk Assessment