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Company information

ENAV is one of the major European Air Navigation Service Providers in terms of volume of controlled airspace, number of flights managed, investments in technology innovation and R&D.

Founded in Italy in 1981 after the handover from the Italian Air Force, ENAV is a Joint-Stock Company, 100% owned by the Italian Ministry of Economy and Financial Planning, in charge of the provision of air navigation services within the airspace and the airports placed under its own responsibility by the Italian Government.

In particular, the Company has the responsibility for the provision of the following institutional services:

•    Air Traffic Control;
•    Aeronautical communications and radio-navigation;
•    Aeronautical Information Service and Management,
•    Aeronautical cartography and obstacle charts;
•    Airspace and flight procedure design;
•    Airport air-side operations design;
•    Aeronautical meteorology;
•    Maintenance and logistics management of CNS/ATM systems;
•    Flight inspection;
•    Recruitment, Training and Licensing of ANS Personnel;
•    R&D and studies on any matter related to ATS.

Services placed under ENAV responsibility are provided in compliance with ISO 9001:2008 Quality Standards. Air Navigation Services as well as Training Services are provided in the frame of the certification issued by the Italian Civil Aviation Authority.

Company Headquarters are located in Rome and the ATS infrastructure includes 4 ACC, 19 APP units, 27 TWR units and 12 AFIS units plus a broad variety of CNS/ATM systems and assets spread all over the country to guarantee continuous operations, extensive service cover and adequate systems redundancy.
About 2.0 million flights per year are safely managed in a complex operating scenario with significant operational and economic performance results internationally acknowledged.

ENAV has an outstanding expertise in Air Traffic Management operations and services, in the development and validation of concepts, system prototypes and procedures for the continuous improvement of its operational performance, in providing its staff with a continuous competency up-dating and operational training, in assisting the supply industry to design and engineer new systems to safely support the ATM operational personnel in their highly demanding tasks.
ENAV is involved in strategic planning, technical co-operation and service provision programs with international organizations (e.g. SESAR Joint Undertaking, EUROCONTROL, European Commission, ESSP, etc) and foreign countries, aiming at contributing to the advancement of ATM technology and processes and at improving the service level provided. To this extent, ENAV is shareholder of the following international consortium:

    SESAR Joint Undertaking, the legal entity established by the European Union, EUROCONTROL and the main European ATM players for the management of SESAR, the largest European R&D program for the modernization of Air Traffic Management;

    ESSP (European Satellite Service Provider), the company established by the main European ANSP for the management on EGNOS assets and the provision of EGNOS-based navigation and positioning services;

ENAV has also the possibility to undertake partnerships with companies operating at national and international level in ATM domain for the provision of consultancy services, technical services and training services on commercial basis.

Company information

Headquarters location Via Salaria, 716
00138 Rome
Some facts
Founded in
Founded by
Company Size


  • Airspace Design
  • ATM systems
  • Communication Systems
  • Consoles / Furniture
  • Consulting
  • Data Networks
  • Datalink Applications
  • Engineering Services
  • Flight Inspection (Nav / Surv systems Calibration)
  • Meteorological Systems
  • Navigation Aids
  • Radars / Surveillance Systems
  • Research and Development
  • Simulators
  • Training
  • Voice applications

Product information

Commercial Services

Legacy and commercial services are provided worldwide directly by ENAV or through the three 100% controlled companies:

Techno Sky S.r.l – A company dedicated to the operational management, support and maintenance of national air traffic control units and systems ensuring their complete availability and full operational efficiency on an uninterrupted basis.

SICTA – A consortium dedicated to R&D and engineering activities in the field of ATS planning, prototyping, simulation, pre-operation validation of operational scenarios, concepts, systems and tools

ENAV Asia-Pacific – A company dedicated to consultancy, technical and training services in the field of Air Traffic management

Following is a list of the main services delivered:

Aeronautical Consulting & Design

ENAV’s competencies as Air Navigation Service Provider are available in all the fields where the highest level of aeronautical experience and expertise are required.

Airspace design & management;
Flight procedures design;
Design and optimisation of the airport air-side component;
Aeronautical meteorology services;
Design and realisation of aeronautical databases of terrain and airport obstacles;
Management and publication of aeronautical information;
Pre–flight information system;
Development, simulation and validation of new operational procedures, concepts and systems;
Consultancy and assistance for the design and implementation of safety management systems for an ANSP;
Consultancy and assistance for the planning and implementation of a security management system for an ANSP;
Organisation of processes and technology for the security of airports, air carriers and other airport operators;
Preparation of ATS manuals and working instructions;


Thanks to its solid Training platform based on experience, knowledge and technologies, continuous innovation and adaptive capabilities in addressing requests and finding solutions, ENAV Academy designs, develops and provides a wide range of Training Programs, in alignment with ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices and with the Customers’ needs.

ENAV Academy has two Training Centers - in Rome and Forli – delivering training services in the following areas:

ANS Training;
Technological Training;
Managerial Training.

The Forli Centre is the largest civilian ATC simulation and training facility. The following simulation systems are available:

8 Tower 3D simulators;
1 classroom with 14 MiniMax Tower simulators;
2 radar simulation rooms (for approach and en-route traffic management) respectively with 16 and with 8 working positions;
1 procedural simulation room (for approach and en-route traffic management) with 8 working positions;
1 certified flight simulator (FNPT II).

Flight Inspection

ENAV Spa Flight Inspection Unit, operating a modern fleet of aircraft equipped with latest flight inspection equipment, is in the business since 1984. This Unit is responsible for the continuous monitoring of radio signals emitted by the ground CNS infrastructure, the validation of all types of instrumental flight procedures and the provision of services to the R&D department. ENAV Flight Inspection Unit is also able to operate abroad for international customers.

Techno Sky.

Techno Sky has full responsibility for the operational management and the software/ hardware maintenance of the entire range of systems and equipment used to provide flight assistance services in Italy. The company ensures round-the-clock technical and operational management of 4 Area Control Centers, 49 airports, ENAV Academy, 41 radar systems, 95 telecommunications centers, 76 meteo systems, 198 navigation aid systems (ILS, VOR, DME) and 71 software systems.

During the years the Company has started a process of empowering its engineering capabilities and now delivers the following services:

ATC systems installation, integration & set-up;
ATM software design and development;
Airport meteorological systems;
Meteorological data management systems;
Remote sensing systems integration;


SICTA is a no-profit consortium between ENAV and Techno Sky with the purpose of studying the evolution of the national ATM infrastructure.

In the “Mission” of the consortium we find:

Delivery of “pre-engineering” services

ATS infrastructure analysis for the re-organization of air spaces;
Definition of new infrastructure needs to comply with the latest ATM development.

Support Services To The Implementation Of New Atm Infrastructures

Roadmap definition for the implementation of new ATM system assuring operational continuity and in respect of the security objectives.

Support services to verification and validation

Definition of methodologies, simulation environments and test beds in support of:

Pre-operational validation;
Certification activity.

Reserch & Development

SICTA acts as an independent research center in the ATM domain in cooperation with the national and European scientific community

Press releases


