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Visiting address

Stubbeled 2



Postal address



Tel +45 45 66 00 44

Fax +45 45 66 05 10

Company information

Integra A/S is an independent Danish consultancy company established in 1988 operating within the field of Air Traffic Management (ATM) and Air Traffic Control. I ntegra provides a broad range of services within the ATM environment, including safety, management, project and technical support services as well as training. As most ATM projects require a multidisciplinary project team, Integra has a wide range of consultants with different profiles regarding skills and experience, covering a wide range from management, operational and technical consultants to safety and project consultants specialised in various disciplines of project monitoring, control and implementation. A key element of Integras strategy is to provide independent and high quality consultant services that add value to our customers business at a reasonable cost. To meet this objective, Integra has developed an extensive toolbox of different methods, concepts and standards tailored to the ATM environment. At the same time, our company maintains focus on ensuring the integrity of the ATM service provider and the consistency of the services provided. Integras clients include Air Navigation Service Providers, Civil Aviation Administrations all over Europe as well as international organisations such as the European Union, EUROCONTROL or the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).

Company information

Headquarters location Stubbeled 2
2950 Vedbaek
Some facts
Founded in
Founded by
Company Size


  • Consulting
  • Safety Systems / Risk Assessment
  • Software
  • Training