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Oracle Telecomputing Inc. is now wholly owned by Intelcan

- Ottawa, Canada

Intelcan is pleased to announce the acquisition of Oracle Telecomputing Inc. (OTI) located in Carleton Place, Ontario, Canada. OTI is a leading supplier of mission critical Air Traffic Management, Air Defense Management, Aviation Information Management and Flight Billing Systems, as well as ATC Simulation & Training Systems.

Intelcan, a major shareholder of OTI since 2004, integrated OTI’s sophisticated technology into Intelcan’s SKYCONTROL Air Traffic Management (ATM) systems. SKYCONTROL ATM is a single ATM system used in the oceanic, en-route, approach and tower environments.

The longstanding and strong business relationship with OTI and its own successful track record with deployments in USA, Canada, United Kingdom and other countries mark this acquisition as a major development in Intelcan’s history. OTI is a four-time winner of NAV Canada’s Supplier of the Year Award and the only non-US company to receive the NASA “Turning Goals Into Reality” Award.

OTI brings extensive software development knowledge with specialization in the Air Traffic Management field. The SKYCONTROL ATM and numerous products within Intelcan’s SKY-Suite will benefit tremendously from this acquisition by sharing a common platform, making it easier for customers to upgrade to Intelcan products and seamlessly maintain Intelcan equipment.


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