Successful Factory acceptance test for Intelcan's products

Intelcan achieved another major milestone by successfully completing the Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) for the supply of a complete Control Tower Console that includes the SKYCONTROL ATM, SKYCOM Voice Communication Control System (VCCS), SKYSYNC Master Clock, VHF-AM and HF Radio Communication Systems, Voice Recorder, Telephone System and a SKYREMOTE RCMS dedicated for the Air Field Lighting Control and Monitoring Panel. Intelcan integrated these products into a high-quality, reliable customized Air Traffic Control Tower at the Conakry / Gbessia International airport in Conakry, Guinea.
SKYCONTROL ATM is a single ATM system used in the oceanic, en-route, approach and tower environments. It covers all types of Air Traffic Control, thereby minimizing the cost of both training and maintenance, making it the most cost-effective solution in the market. SKYCOM VCCS LV2000 voice switch allows the operator to communicate over air-to-ground radio channels and over ground-to-ground line-based circuits. SKYREMOTE RCMS provides a unique solution for Tower Automation used by Air Traffic controllers, and a single control and maintenance solution for airport equipment and facilities used by engineers and technicians.
The extensive testing was conducted at Intelcan’s facility in Ottawa, Canada and witnessed by key personnel of the National Directorate of Civil Aviation of the Republic of Guinea. Each client has a unique perspective which influences the FAT making each success more valuable. This FAT guarantees the system design and manufacturing satisfies the client’s requirements. Mr. Thiam Sékou Oumar, Coordinator Civil Aviation Upgrade of Security and Safety Projects for Guinea, was pleased with the outcome and said, “This is a new generation of equipment that should serve us very well.”
Intelcan is a Canadian CNS/ATM and Airport Infrastructure company that provides solutions allowing its customers to achieve the highest standard of safety and efficiency in aviation and airspace operations, at a competitive price. Integrating Intelcan’s own SKY-Suite, fully compliant products or utilizing those from a diverse supplier network, Intelcan delivers cost-effective solutions, worldwide. Intelcan’s airport infrastructure solutions range from the construction of air traffic control towers to complete airport implementation. Headquartered in Ottawa, Canada since its establishment in 1973, Intelcan has expanded globally to efficiently reach its vast client base and secure full life-cycle support.
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