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30 airport operations in Sweden have successfully installed Jotron’s Ricochet recording systems

Jotron AS, a leading manufacturer of professional communication systems for land, sea and air safety, has installed redundant audio and screen recording systems for Luftfartsverket (LFV), the largest provider of air traffic control services in Sweden. In 2014, LFV decided to replace their legal voice recording systems across Sweden. Following a competitive tender process, Jotron was awarded the contract based on offering the most advanced nationwide recorder solution for both tower, approach and area control operations.

Jotron’s Ricochet recording and replay system is exclusively developed for the air traffic control market. Its unique architecture allows unlimited recording capacity for all data and the scalable system can be easily expanded for additional requirements. By installing Ricochet, LFV continues to supply high standard air traffic services - and this replacement secures LFV with a solid system for the future.

The 30 airport operations are geographically spread across Sweden. Among them are Stockholm and Malmö Air Traffic Control Centers which are responsible for the area services to en route traffic in Swedish airspace, the regional control centers in Norrköping and Göteborg and the remote tower control center in Sundsvall. The complexity of the systems spans from the comprehensive recording of 240 audio channels and 120 screens to smaller towers with a few audio channels and screens.

The flexible architecture of the Ricochet system offers the option to replay across sites. All replay services are connected to the LFV network. This allows for easy configuration of replay at the investigator’s desk at the LFV headquarters, playing any combination of audio channels or screens, from any combination of sites, online or offline.

“LFV aims to provide safe, efficient and environmental friendly air traffic service” says Jörn Lindsjö, Project Manager at LFV. “Together, our unique operational knowledge and Jotron’s state-of-the-art recording technology, is a winning combination.”

“Jotron is pleased to work with LFV. We are proud to have successfully implemented these recording systems according to the technical and operational requirements,” says Roar Flaatnes, Sales & Marketing Director at Jotron ATC & Coastal Communication Division at Jotron.


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