SWIM Masterclass 2013 announced

Details of the 2013 edition of the SWIM Masterclasss have been released today by the SESAR Joint Undertaking.
The 2012 edition was a huge success with over 100 participants taking part on a voluntary basis.
The goal of the masterclass is in order for the candidates to "Enter the community of SWIM application and service developers acquiring state-of-the-art expertise and sharing experience amongst SWIM experts. In addition, the best-in-class prototypes/solutions will gain further visibility throughout 2013-2014."
The SESAR SWIM Master Class is open on a voluntary basis to:
ATM data/service providers
offering their ATM data sources to SWIM Master Class participants- SWIM Master Class
willing todevelop and demonstrate
SWIM-enabled application or service
This year's edition will see more data sources available for the developers. Examples of the data sources are: Flight plans, Meteo, Airport mapping, Obstacle, Aircraft operator, Fleet and capabilities, Baggage and passenger, Service registry etc.
Potential participants (both developers and ATM data providers) should register interest in taking part during April and May. (Deadline 15 May 2013)
An initiation day will be held on June 12th and the Swim Masterclass 'Best in Class' ceremony will be held at Eurocontrol HQ on 21st November.
The winners of the 2012 'Best in Class' were Thales Air Systems, M-Click and the 1st place went to Snowflake Software.
You can find more about how to register for the 2013 Masterclass on the SESAR JU Information Page.
A Video Presentation of the 2012 Masterclass
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